Global Centennial Campaign

The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has played a critical role in the establishment of Israel and in improving the lives of people worldwide since opening its doors in 1924. And no other institution holds more promise for Israel’s future.

The Technion is preparing the leaders, scientists, and entrepreneurs who are reimagining the future of Israel and working to find solutions to challenging global problems. At this historic centennial moment, you have an extraordinary opportunity to partner with us in shaping the university’s second century.

Donate to the Global Centennial Campaign Today

The Global Centennial Campaign for the Technion will advance multidisciplinary research in these critical areas:

Generate Sustainable Solutions

Your support helps researchers collaborate to address global water and food scarcity and develop renewable energy sources, safeguarding our planet.

Advance Medical

Support multidisciplinary research with Israel’s top hospitals to develop treatments and technologies for cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, injuries, and more.

Develop Impact

Support research in computer science, AI, robotics, quantum, and nanotechnologies to foster a collaborative ecosystem with industry, benefiting Israel and the world.

Safeguard Israel

Technion faculty and graduates drive Israel’s security. The Technion’s research aids the development of  innovations in defence, cybersecurity, autonomous aviation, micro and nanosatellites, and more to protect Israel.

Reimagine Education

Provide financial support, academic infrastructure, and mentorship for students to conduct world-class research. Support new initiatives to maintain Technion’s leadership in visionary education.

Prevent Brain Drain

Amid competition for top talent, your support will help recruit and retain the best faculty from Israel and the global scientific community. Repatriate brilliant Israeli researchers working abroad.

Spark Innovation

Unleash the entrepreneurial potential of the Technion’s students and ignite innovation that will improve Israel’s economy and impact the world. Provide resources to translate new discoveries from the laboratory to commercialization.

Build Infrastructure

Your capital investment in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment is critical to conducting world-leading research and innovation. Help build creative hubs of collaboration and scientific exploration.