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Smarter Philanthropy, Flow Through Shares. Maximise Your IMPACT and Your TAX Benefit

Zoom / March 28, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Join our Smarter Philanthropy webinar to learn about how you can make your philanthropy even more impactful by being able to GIVE MORE FOR LESS 

Featuring :

Norm Brownstein: Oberon, Partner & Head of Sales

Henry Korenblum: Technion Board Member and Oberon Vice President Sales & Tax Planning

Pam Litman: Oberon Consultant-Community Outreach


A Technion Canada and Oberon Capital Collaboration




** Should you be interested in a great opportunity for a flow through available today, please contact Henry Korenblum: henry.korenblum@oberoncapcorp.com**